Online Store Amie Potsic Soldiers on Mediterranean Coast (Rosh Hanikra, Israel) PreviousSoldier Putting Prayer into Cracks of the Western Wall (Jerusalem, Israel) NextStruggle (Jerusalem, Israel) Soldiers on Mediterranean Coast (Rosh Hanikra, Israel) Soldiers on Mediterranean Coast (Rosh Hanikra, Israel) $2,475.00 Amie PotsicChromogenic Print19 x 19 in1996 Add To Cart Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 Pinterest0 You Might Also Like Handwork (Puri, India) $2,475.00 Selling Dates at Market (Jericho, Israel) $2,475.00 Inner Sanctum (Pondicherry, India) $2,475.00 Amie Potsic: Seeker Book signed) with limited edition "Sadhu" Print $495.00 Sukkah at the Kotel (Jerusalem, Israel) $2,475.00