Online Store Amie Potsic Buddhist Prayer Beads (Dharamsala, India) PreviousStray Dog (Gujarat, India) NextNursing Calf (Jaisalmer, India) Buddhist Prayer Beads (Dharamsala, India) Buddhist Prayer Beads (Dharamsala, India) $2,475.00 Amie PotsicChromogenic Print19 x 19 in1996 Add To Cart Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 Pinterest0 You Might Also Like Jerusalem and the Dome of the Rock from the Mount of Olives (Jerusalem, Israel) $2,475.00 Selling Dates at Market (Jericho, Israel) $2,475.00 Sukkah (Jerusalem, Israel) $2,475.00 Amie Potsic: Seeker - Book (signed) $249.00 Blue Altar (Tiruvanamalai, India) $2,475.00