Stray Dog (Gujarat, India)

Stray Dog (Gujarat, India)


Amie Potsic

Chromogenic Print

19 x 19 in


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Elephant Rider (Kovalam, India)

Elephant Rider (Kovalam, India)

Schoolyard, Kibbutz Ma'aleh Gilboa (Galilee, Israel)

Schoolyard, Kibbutz Ma'aleh Gilboa (Galilee, Israel)

Sunrise on the Ghats (Varanasi/Benares, India)

Sunrise on the Ghats (Varanasi/Benares, India)

Crops, Ma'aleh Gilboa Kibbutz (Galilee, Israel)

Crops, Ma'aleh Gilboa Kibbutz (Galilee, Israel)

Buddha (Bodghaya, India)

Buddha (Bodghaya, India)
